
This course in the NADSP E-Badge Academy allows the learner to earn NADSP's DSP-I, DSP-II and DSP-III certifications for Direct Support Professionals. 

This course in the NADSP E-Badge Academy allows the user to earn NADSP's Frontline Supervisor (FLS) certification.

Credit Description

By earning the Code of Ethics Commitment badge, you will demonstrate both of the following:

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency.

This badge is a prerequisite for all other badges in the NADSP E-Badge Academy.

Credit Description

By earning DSP Accredited Education (25 hours), you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

Credit Description

By earning DSP Accredited Education (10 hours), you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

Credit Description

By earning DSP Accredited Education (50 hours), you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

Credit Description

By earning DSP Accredited Education (75 hours), you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

Credit Description

By earning DSP Accredited Education (100 hours), you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

By earning Respectful Communication, you will demonstrate the following:

1C. Communicates with the individual and his or her family in a respectful and culturally appropriate way.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Communication.

By earning Communication Modes, you will demonstrate the following:

1A. Uses positive and respectful verbal, non-verbal and written communication a way that can be understood by the individual, and actively listens and responds to him or her in a respectful, caring manner.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Communication.

By earning Translating Terms, you will demonstrate the following:

1B. Explains services and service terms to the individual being supported and his or her family members.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Communication.

By earning Supporting Spirituality, you will demonstrate the following:

2.A. Helps design services or support plans based on the choices and goals of the individual supported, and involves the individual in the process.

This badge is part of the Person Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

By earning Managing Documentation, you will demonstrate the following:

2G. Completes and submits documentation of services on time.

This badge is part of the Person Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.

By earning Individual Activities, you will demonstrate the following:

2A. Helps design services or support plans based on the choices and goals of the individual supported, and involves the individual in the process.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships.

By earning Plan Implementation, you will demonstrate the following:

2C. Provides supports and services that help the individual achieve his or her goals.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Facilitation of Services.

By earning the Participant Directed badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2E. Works in partnership with the individual to track progress toward goals and adjust services as needed and desired by individual.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Participant Empowerment.

By earning Person-Centered Thinking, you will demonstrate the following:

2E. Works in partnership with the individual to track progress toward goals and adjust services as needed and desired by individual.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

By earning Completing Documentation, you will demonstrate the following:

2G. Completes and submits documentation of services on time.

This badge is part of the Person Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.

By earning Informal Assessment, you will demonstrate the following:

3D. Observes the health and behavior of the individual within his or her cultural context. 

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Assessment.

By earning Assessment Follow-up, you will demonstrate the following:

3B. Uses the results of assessments to discuss options with the individual and with team
members to guide support work.

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Assessment.

By earning Data Collection, you will demonstrate the following:

3C. Collects data about individual goals and satisfaction with services.

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Assessment.

By earning Crisis Intervention, you will demonstrate the following:

4C. Uses appropriate and approved intervention approaches to resolve a crisis.

This badge is part of the Crisis Intervention and Prevention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

By earning Crisis Documentation, you will demonstrate the following:

4F. Reports incidents according to rules.

This badge is part of the Crisis Prevention and Intervention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.


By earning Self Reflection, you will demonstrate the following:

4G.  Sees own potential role within a conflict or crisis and changes behavior to minimize conflict.

This badge is part of the Crisis Prevention and Intervention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

By earning First Aid, you will demonstrate the following:

5.2C. Uses universal precautions and gives first aid as needed in an emergency.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Supporting Health and Wellness.

By earning Abuse Prevention, you will demonstrate the following:

5.1B. Recognizes signs of abuse and neglect, including the inappropriate use of restraints, and works to prevent them.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.


By earning Abuse Reporting, you will demonstrate the following:

5.1A. Demonstrates the ability to identify, prevent, and report situations of abuse, exploitation, and neglect according to laws and agency rules.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

By earning Community Safety, you will demonstrate the following:

5.2B. Helps individuals to be safe and learn to be safe in the community.  

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Community Living Skills and Supports.

By earning Respecting Confidentiality, you will demonstrate the following:

6E. Respects the individual and his or her family's right to privacy, respect, and dignity.

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Facilitation of Services.

By earning Ethics Roadmap, you will demonstrate the following:

6A. Follows relevant laws, regulations and is guided by ethical standards when doing work tasks.

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Facilitation of Services.
